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Social Media’s Effects on Self-Esteem

Social media can affect the self-esteem of teens and young adults. It often leads to social comparison, seeking validation through likes and comments, and exposure to cyberbullying. This complex interplay impacts their self-worth and confidence, contributing to feelings of inadequacy, depression, anxiety, and loneliness, which affect their overall well-being.

Self esteem definition

Written and edited by our team of expert legal content writers and reviewed and approved by Attorney Matthew Bergman

Written and edited by our team of expert legal content writers and reviewed and approved by

a photo of Matthew Bergman

As social media continues to grow in popularity, the consequences of heavy online use have become increasingly clear. While social media can have many positive effects, researchers are aware its potential negative effects can have long-term impacts on teens’ mental health and overall well-being – especially on their self-esteem. 

According to studies, social media use appears to cause a decrease in self-esteem, with the group most affected being girls between the ages of 10 and 14. 

For instance, Facebook has been pinpointed as a social networking site that attracts adolescents with lower self-esteem yet worsens the problem as the teens engage in higher levels of social comparison. This can create an even lower, skewed self-image. 

With every passing year, social media changes the way people interact. When used carefully, social networking sites can connect people to otherwise inaccessible opportunities, information, services, and communities. As a parent, it’s important to acknowledge that social media will be a part of your teen’s daily life. However, you must also be aware when it has an adverse influence on their self-esteem or mental health. 

This age group is already more susceptible to self-esteem issues: they’re less aware of who they are, who they’re becoming, and they’re extremely sensitive to comparisons with others, including appearances, clothes, grades, clubs and other interests. They’re bombarded with messages on TV, magazines, and the internet about who they should be and things they should like if they want to be considered “cool,” accepted, popular, or even normal. 

Unfortunately, such comparisons are even more rampant online. Worse, it’s difficult to get away from as studies have shown that social media can be more addictive than even alcohol or cigarettes, especially because the internet is “free,” easy to access, available 24/7, and seemingly harmless. However, numerous studies indicate that social media use is linked to increased risks of depression, anxiety, loneliness, and low self-esteem.

Many people, especially celebrities and “influencers,” use their social media profiles to project a perfect image with carefully chosen (and edited) photos and videos, many made with different filters or image-editing software. As a result, children and teens who follow those profiles may feel their own life is lacking and can begin to feel worse about themselves. 

For many, comparing themself to others becomes an unavoidable compulsion, and often tends to make them feel inferior and negatively impact their self-esteem. With social media, the opportunity for social comparison is virtually infinite.

Social media can also add stress to a teen’s daily life, especially when it comes to evaluating their own social media updates. Each time they post a picture or status update, they can worry about the number of likes, shares, and comments the post will generate. This obsession is yet another opportunity for comparison and potential embarrassment about how others view them, especially if another person’s got more attention and positive feedback. 

It is possible to correct bad social media interactions, but first a parent has to realize that there’s a problem. Even if your child gives off the appearance of confidence, they could have low self-esteem. If your teen speaks negatively about their life, judges themself, has negative body image, or is hypercritical of their failures, they may be suffering from low self-esteem brought on by the excessive use of social media apps. There are warning signs of low self-esteem:

  • Self-deprecation, even when joking
  • Ignoring or discounting achievements
  • Blaming oneself when things go wrong
  • Failing to accept compliments
  • Feelings of anxiety, depression, shame, anger, or sadness
  • Crippling fear of failure

For teens, in particular, there are additional signs:

  • Gradually declining school grades
  • Mood swings
  • Refusal to help with household chores or challenges
  • Giving up on a task at the first sign of frustration

If you notice indications of low self-esteem or social media addiction in your teen, it may be time to gently correct the way they use or view social media. Low self-esteem can have lifelong consequences if not reversed, so you’ll want to address the problem as quickly as possible.

  • Set limits for their online time.
  • Set boundaries for appropriate times to check social media accounts (and make sure it’s never right before bed).
  • Have an honest conversation about how unrealistic social media posts can be. 
  • Limit distractions by changing notification settings.
  • Set a good example about healthy social media use.
  • Encourage hobbies and activities that aren’t online, especially activities that makes your child feel accomplished. 

Implement each of these tips gradually, discussing each change with your teen so that they know why it’s happening. Guide them gently to a healthier mindset about social media — one that will encourage good self-esteem.

Unfortunately, social media companies and their platforms have not done enough to safeguard your child’s mental health and self-image online – even though it’s within their power. If your child or teen has fallen victim to the negative effects of social media use, reach out to the Social Media Victims Law Center. We work to hold social media companies legally accountable for the harm they inflict on vulnerable users. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you.

As social media continues to grow in popularity, the consequences of heavy online use have become increasingly clear. While social media can have many positive effects, researchers are aware that it’s balanced by negative effects that can have long-term impacts on teens’ mental health and overall well-being.

For instance, some studies have shown a correlation between social media and online networking sites and a teen’s self-esteem. Specifically, Facebook has been pinpointed in studies as a social networking site that tends to attract adolescents with lower self-esteem, exacerbating the problem as they engage in higher levels of social comparison thereby adapting an even further skewed self-image.

As a parent, it’s important to acknowledge that social media will be a part of your teen’s social life. However, you must also be aware of when it’s having an adverse influence on your child or teen and their self-esteem or mental health. With every passing year, social media continues to change the way people interact. As those interactions change, so does the mental health of each person involved. Numerous studies continue to indicate that social media use correlates to increased risks of depression, low self-esteem, loneliness, and anxiety.

According to some studies, social media use does appear to cause a decrease in self-esteem, with the age group most affected being girls between the ages of 10 and 14.

There’s so much more for researchers to learn about the relationship between social media use and self-esteem. This page goes deeper into recent studies and what the results tell us about some of the negative impacts of social networking platforms.

Has Social Media Addiction Impacted Your Childs Self-Esteem?

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The Negative Effects of Social Media on Self-Esteem

When you already feel as though your life is lacking, social media only serves to amplify what other people have and what’s going well for them. After all, many people use their social media profiles to project a perfect image with carefully chosen photos, often showcasing different filters. As a result, you may begin to feel worse about yourself. 

Social media can also add stress to your daily life, especially when it comes to evaluating your own posts. Each time you post a picture or status update, you might worry about the number of likes, shares, and comments your post will generate. This obsession to be seen offers another opportunity for comparison, as you might wonder why another person’s images or content got more attention and positive feedback than yours. 

If you want your teen to continue using social media but also hope to combat the negative effects it’s having on their self-esteem, have them consider the following:

  • Remember that social media doesn’t paint an accurate picture of a person’s life.
  • Don’t determine your self-worth based on social media.
  • Take a break if you’re feeling down because of social media comparisons.

Signs of Low Self-Esteem

It’s not possible to correct bad social media interactions if it’s not clear that there’s a problem. Watch for these warning signs of low self-esteem in your child:

  • Self-deprecation, even when joking
  • Ignoring or discounting achievements
  • Placing blame on one’s self when things go wrong
  • Failing to accept compliments
  • Feelings of anxiety, depression, shame, anger, or sadness
  • Crippling fear of failure

For teens, in particular, additional signs include:

  • Gradually declining school grades
  • Mood swings
  • Refusal to help with household chores or challenges
  • Giving up on a task at the first sign of frustration

At its core, self-esteem is how you think about yourself. Even if your child gives off the appearance of confidence, they could have low self-esteem. If your teen speaks negatively about their life, judges themself, has negative body image, or is hypercritical of their failures, they may be suffering from low self-esteem brought on by the excessive use of social media apps. 

You can help your teen try to combat these feelings by reminding them that their worth is not related to their social media interactions. Just as you wouldn’t want them to continue to pursue a relationship or friendship that makes them feel bad, encourage them to sign offline for a bit if social media is making them feel the same way.

Signs of Low Self-Esteem Infographic

Social Media and the Social Comparison Theory

It’s important to remember that social media has its advantages and can offer many social benefits. When used carefully, social networking sites can connect people to opportunities, information, services, and communities they might not otherwise have access to. However, ignoring the mental health effects of social media could prove detrimental to your child or teen.

Unfortunately, studies have shown that social media has the power to be more addictive than even alcohol or cigarettes. In large part, this may be because the internet is free, easy to access, available 24/7, and seemingly harmless. Plus, social media is more frequently used by children and adolescents. 

This age group is already more likely to succumb to self-esteem issues, as they’re less aware of who they are and who they’re becoming and fraught with comparisons, including appearances, clothes, grades, clubs and other interests, etc. Children and teens are bombarded with messages about who they should be and what they should like to be considered “cool,” accepted, popular, or even normal. It doesn’t get better when they step into the digital world where social comparison is rampant. 

Although social comparison has long been a part of life, social media has greatly increased the number of opportunities to compare and the ways in which we compare. According to the social comparison theory, which was established in 1954, people have an obsessive compulsion to evaluate themselves in comparison to other people. 

Yet, despite this unavoidable compulsion, comparing yourself to others tends to make you feel inferior. While some instances of social comparison are downward and make you feel better about your traits and abilities, most of them are upward. When you compare upward, you’re left feeling as though you’re lacking, which can negatively impact your self-esteem. 

For social media users who frequent social platforms, these feelings are only amplified. That’s because, with social media, the opportunity for social comparison is virtually infinite.

Talking to Teens About the Truth Behind Social Media Content

If you have a teenager at home, you may wonder how to help them avoid social media pitfalls. The first step to addressing low self-esteem in your teen is to have an honest and open conversation with them. Strive to keep the tone of the conversation casual but respectful.

As you converse about the dangers of social media, keep in mind that social media can be beneficial when used in a healthy way. Try promoting healthy usage by encouraging the following practices:

  • Protect your privacy by not giving out identifying information to strangers.
  • Never share information you wouldn’t feel comfortable with the whole world knowing.
  • Remember that tone can be difficult to convey over text.
  • Always speak to others the way you want to be spoken to.
  • Remember that online social posts are permanent.

Of course, you can also encourage positive social media behavior by modeling it for your teenager. Tell your child that they can trust you when serious events occur online. If it does become clear that your teenager is using social media unsafely, stay calm. You want your child to feel comfortable sharing vulnerable information with you.

Parent talking with teen about self-esteem

Parents: What You Can Do to Help Your Teen with Low Self-Esteem Due to Social Media Use

If you notice signs of low self-esteem or social media addiction or overuse in your teen, it may be time to gently correct the way in which they use or interpret social media. Remember, low self-esteem in your teen can have lifelong consequences if not reversed. So, if you recognize a problem, you want to address it as quickly as possible.

Here are some tips to help your teen’s self-esteem get back on track:

  • Set limits for the amount of screen time for your child.
  • Set boundaries for when it’s appropriate to check social media accounts (never before bed).
  • Have an honest conversation about how unrealistic social media posts can be. 
  • Limit distractions by changing notification settings.
  • Set a good example about healthy social media use.
  • Encourage hobbies and activities that aren’t online, especially any activity that makes your child feel accomplished. 

Implement each of these tips gradually, discussing each change with your teen so that they know why it’s happening. Don’t overwhelm your teen with advice. Instead, guide them gently to a healthier mindset about social media — one that will encourage good self-esteem.

If your child or teen fell victim to the negative effects of social media use, contact Social Media Victims Law Center today to learn how we can help you.

Matthew Bergman
Content Reviewed by:

Matthew P. Bergman

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